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An action Sunday

On 13th May - Sunday

For the striking students and artists of Baroda, Sunday too was a day of action. A report from Faculty of Fine Arts, Baroda.

The students strike in Baroda took a new turn on Sunday as the students decided to do vigorous poster campaign all over Baroda. The striking students would welcome the artists and intellectuals who would gather near the Faculty of Fine Arts on Monday at 2 pm. There would be a sit in and a discussion during this time. By evening 6 o clock the protestors will move towards the Dairy Den Circle, Sayajiganj and do a public demonstration. During the same time, there would be public protests and demonstrations all over India.

Meanwhile, the Baroda BJP unit seems to have handed over the responsibility of agitation to the ABVP activists, who form the students wing of the BJP. Today around thirty ABVP activists came to the Faculty of Fine Arts and raised slogans against the artists. The artists who were doing sit in demonstration kept silence and the ABVP activists left the scene after showing their might.

The junior students have left Baroda now. The final year BFA and MFA students are still camping till Chandramohan is released from Jail. He is expected to be released on Monday (14th May). Local NGOs and the Narmada Bachao Andolan functionaries are reported to have expressed their willingness to join the agitation.

While the Baroda Almuni Association and Teachers Union spearhead the strike along with the students, no support has come from the University authorities. “This is a depressing situation,” said one of the striking artists. “The University should have come in support of the striking students. It seems that the authorities are playing it safe, considering the political situation of Gujarat,” he said.

The suspended dean Dr.Shivji Panikker has gone underground as he received some threats from the hooligans. The protestors accuse that the government has not taken any step to protect the life and property of Dr.Shivji Panikkar. “He has taken a bold step on behalf of the art students and the art community. Instead of protecting him, he is forced to go underground. It is a condemnable,” said one of the Baroda based artists.


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