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Title: Great Robbery
Size :  5' x 2.5',
Medium: Water colour
Status: Sold

We present a painting by Anil Kumar

Anil Kumar

Anil Kumar

Baroda based Anil Kumar is a young artist who has developed a painterly style at an early stage in his career. While studying in the Fine Arts Faculty, MS University, Baroda, he got several chances to exhibit his works in curated exhibitions in various cities in India. His works are noticed for the freshness of style and themes.

Investing his energy for excavating a historical past through a very interesting painterly language, Anil Kumar chooses to treat history as something very intimate and personal. He believes that he is a part of the historical continuum and his identity is formed through a historical process. In the quasi-narrative structure of his paintings, he creates a world, where his protagonists are in search of something. They are animated in a special way and are deeply involved in a search.

This search for something is emblematic in Anil Kumar’s works. Like the expressionists, he does not use his own image for creating the persona of his protagonist/s. They are even minimal representations. However, the landscape against which they are seen, or are seen animated in many ways, is realistic and surrealistic at the same time. The layers of carved earth are seen in these landscapes. Each layer embodies a historical epoch.

Anil Kumar combines the historical awareness with the urban-rural realities. He tries to contrast the rural with the urban and vice versa. At the same time in his works he does not seem to judging or favoring one against the other. At times he makes a slight mockery of the political process through the romantic depiction of a sky in the form of vegetables or fruits. The vision of a future is imminent in his works, however, seen against the history of political tragedies, they look like poignant visions of a revolution.

Mostly done in deep and strong colours, Anil Kumar’s works has a special energy that corresponds to the youthful energy of the artist. Daring to experiment with different mediums, this artist is at the threshold of a major leap. His works are being sought out by many collectors and gallerists all over India.


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